Terminal Pure and Natural
Terminal Pure and Natural
Our policies
Terminal Pure and Natural

A. Claim policy

Claim policy infographic A Claim policy infographic B


On delivery, you are encouraged to inspect the products and to notify or reject the products in writing to us by 5pm on the day after the delivery date if they do not appear satisfactory or in the relevant quantity, failing which: A. you agree to examine (by reasonable visual inspection) the products for any apparent visual or physical defects and to notify us within 3 days of the delivery date; and B. in the case of any latent defects with the products not reasonably apparent on a visual or physical inspection, you agree to notify us as soon as reasonably practicable following discovery, and in any event within 5 days of the delivery date; (each an acceptance period).

B. Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy infographic A Cancellation policy infographic B